Istanbul Convention Women S Rights

Combatting violence against women gender based violence is a brutal form of discrimination and a violation of fundamental rights.
Istanbul convention women s rights. Istanbul convention action against violence against women and domestic violence. The convention is also the first international instrument to address mainly the discrimination based on social gender and to define the social. Turkey was the first country to ratify the istanbul convention in 2012. The convention is intended to promote gender equality and reduction of violence against women through a series of prevention protection and persecution strategies aimed at both victims and perpetrators.
The istanbul convention in turkey one of the most alarming concerns is the unprecedented spike in reports of violence against women. It happens everywhere be it at home or in public in every society and eu country regardless of social background. What began as several initiatives from the 1990s to. Women at the rallies wednesday held posters reading the istanbul convention is born out of women s blood and we will not allow femicides women chant slogans and wave signs during the.
It is both a cause and a consequence of inequalities between women and men. Gathers seven united nations and regional independent expert mechanisms on violence against women and women s rights operating at the international and regional. Istanbul convention is an international human rights convention focusing on the problem of violence against women and domestic violence which is the most visible form of discrimination against women. Women s rights today on august 13 2019 turkish president recep tayyip erdoğan stated the government s plans to withdraw from the istanbul convention altogether.
Measures taken against covid 19 such as lockdowns have left women and girls trapped at home or in very small social circles with their abusers. The status of women s rights in turkey has improved significantly since 1923 but the existence of said rights are currently at stake. The istanbul convention officially known as the council of europe convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence of the council of europe treaty series is a european union convention that aims to put an end to the violence against women as a major step forward in making europe a safer place.